Monday, May 17, 2010

Check out Gearing up for campus life?

Check out Gearing up for campus life?

The campus life is a teaching experience in its own. Escaping from the closed protected shell of school life, we find a domain where each moment is a guidepost for future goals. Taking a cue from my experience at the campus of University of Delhi in stints in colleges – St. Stephens’ for Bachelors’ degree and Hindu College for Masters Degree- the nutshell it is a joyride.

This phase of life is buzz full of activities which if genuinely made use of would inculcate ethos of time management, smart work, self-independence, honesty in our life routine. Keeping in pace with up to-date clothing styles, running around libraries & photocopier for notes, relishing not so expensive yet tasty canteen food, discovering the frontiers of wisdom as a philosopher lost in own world, meeting folks across college in festivals, competition with peers in what to do next move, getting acquainted with different cultures, judicious use of limited yet unlimited pocket-money, are few things namely that make campus life as integral for development of our personality for near times.  As you start the journey, just a word of caution for ensuring harmonious balance between what you aim & smooth joyous passage of the golden days of youth-

·         Strike a right balance between three Cs- Course, College, Campus



Know Tech said...


Er. P R GODARA said...

hi dear it's very nice blog i like it... very much ....